< Telraam - Traffic Counting with Citizens

Cycling Scotland Traffic Monitoring

United Kingdom

Telraam Traffic Monitoring - Colleague Pilot

Cycling Scotland's Mission - We are Scotland’s national cycling charity. Working with others, we get more people cycling, more safely and easily in a better environment.

Cycling Scotland currently operates monitoring schemes through the use of Automatic Cycle Counters, Temporary Traffic Surveys and Attitudes & Behaviours Research. By collecting this data we are able to:

  • Monitor behaviours and trends over time
  • Provide an objective evidence base for our own strategy and the Active Travel Framework
  • Help demonstrate the impact of new infrastructure
  • Promote collaboration and partnership working

The organisation strives to be a leader in Active Travel monitoring, and a centre of knowledge and best practice for Scotland. 

Telraam has created a pioneering affordable monitoring technology and Cycling Scotland will be one of the first UK Active Travel organisations to trial this new technology.

This initial colleague pilot will test the technology and Telraam processes on a relatively small scale. If successful it may lead to the adoption of Telraam technology into Cycling Scotland's national monitoring activities.  

If you are a Cycling Scotland Colleague able to host a Telraam device, please make an application using the ‘Apply as candidate’ section.