< Telraam - Bye 2023, Hello 2024

Bye 2023, Hello 2024

• Kris Vanherle 18 January 2024

Time flies when you’re having fun. That certainly has been the case for us at Telraam in 2023. Read here about our year recap and look into the future.

Telraam's 2023 Time Capsule

2023 was all about getting our new Telraam S2 sensor Out There. There’s no point hiding that stress levels were high in February & March when we did our first LIVE pilot with the Telraam S2 in the H2020 COMPAIR project. In the months after the launch, it soon became clear that Telraam S2 was confirming what we’ve found in our own tests and it was working fine… Overall, looking back, we’re proud of our successful launch of this sensor.

Our community of people counting with Telraam is steadily increasing, and we’re happy to see it’s increasingly becoming an international party. Whether it’s evaluating infrastructure changes, circulation plans, school mobility plans, or the impact of construction works,... everywhere in the world, we see the same challenges in traffic management. People Counting Traffic can make a difference! We’re happy Telraam is increasingly facilitating you to count traffic, wherever you are in the world.

1.8 Billion road users in 2023

To give you some perspective and what you’ve been counting in 2023, here’s some numbers to dazzle you. In total, all active Telraam devices have counted a total of 1,821,587,531 (1.8 Billion) road users:

         -> 1,215,037,482 (1.2 Billion!) Cars

         -> 221,773,825 (221 Million) Heavy vehicles

         -> 284,087,149 (284 Million) Two-wheelers. That’s more two-wheelers than heavy vehicles, nice!

         -> 100,689,075 (100 Million) Pedestrians

That’s a modal share of 66.7% for cars and just 15.6% for two-wheelers, so there’s still work to be done! ;)

What's on the Horizon for 2024?

The launch of Telraam S2 is not an end point for us, it’s just the beginning. For starters, we need to “kill some Telraam S2 bugs” and make some incremental improvements to the sensor. We had promised night counts for the winter of ‘23-’24, which we still need to deliver. Feature-wise, this will be our main priority in the coming months. So, 2024 will be about fixing small and bigger technical issues with the new sensor.

The Big New Thing for 2024 will be an outdoor variant of the Telraam S2 device. We already have a few pilot projects ongoing and are on track to release this variant in the first half of this new year. 

We’re also looking to 2024 to REALLY expand internationally. Telraam is still very much a “Dutch/Belgian thing” with the occasional interest from abroad. Ever since our pilot in San Francisco, we’ve seen an increase of interest from the US. But also in Europe, municipalities or simply engaged citizens from Germany, France, UK,... are increasingly finding out about Telraam. 

So, while we’re still gradually waking up from the new-year break, we’re looking forward to 2024 with confidence, eager to spread the Telraam gospel further.

Happy counting in 2024 from the Telraam Team
Kris, Elke, Rob, Dave, Laurens, Wouter, Carl & Péter