________ _____ _ ________________ ____ ______ / ____/ / / / | / | / / ____/ ____/ / / __ \/ ____/ / / / /_/ / /| | / |/ / / __/ __/ / / / / / / / __ / /___/ __ / ___ |/ /| / /_/ / /___/ /___/ /_/ / /_/ / \____/_/ /_/_/ |_/_/ |_/\____/_____/_____/\____/\____/ Changelog: 28.06.24 - QR page received some updates, eg it's now mandatory to stop a installation before doing a new one. - Network admin can stop or update the location for installations - Night counts on homepage - bugfixes Changelog: 27.05.24 - Data pool in beta - Night counts - Network administrator can install multiple devices - Updates layout network dashboard (tabs) - small updates layout for network admin - bugfixes Changelog: 01.04.24 - Honeypot fix - Subscribe to network activity Changelog: 01.03.24 - Data pool in alpha - Export updates Changelog: 06.10.23 - Credit system for networks - New charts and exports for data subscribers w/ 15 min data and typical - New content explain data and network plans - Small fixes & improvements Changelog: 03.07.23 - Preparations for new pro visualisations - Fixes Changelog: 01.05.23 - Backend work for the shop, preparations for credits - Fixes Changelog: 11.04.23 - Added Small faq content - Removed Zendesk - Back office: invoice Changelog: 17.03.23 - Roi is now linked to a camera instance - Small fixes S2 flow and roi (ui) Changelog: 14.03.23 - FAQ moved from Zendesk to HelpSpace - FAQ articles for S2 added - Bugfixes Changelog: 01.03.23 - Softlaunch S2 - part 2 - Updated "What is Telraam" page - ROI selection for S2 devices - Speed in miles per hour Changelog: 03.02.23 - Softlaunch S2 - Small UI fixes network dashboard - Shop for S2, S2 packages and related Changelog: 25.01.23 - Network dashboard has a new timeline showing what's happening in your dashboard - Preparations for the S2 installation - Bugfixes & refactoring Changelog: 23.12.22 - New 'became_active' status for camera's - Timezone fix - Bugfixes Changelog: 06.12.22 - "Trajectories" is now "Tracks" - Network dashboard: status of a user/device is simplified with a unified status message, new filters - Admin user have now the tiers project member or admin - In the network dashboard you can invite a new user or confirm invitation. Both receive an automatic e-mail. - Usability improvements - Bugfixes Changelog: 07.11.22 - Network dashboard: usability issues, some user and candidate tabs are reorganised, filter by postcode in overview - Officially launching S2: new device and pricing - Onboarding/register page is simplified - Webhook: mails triggered by backend Changelog: 23.08.22 - Test Flow S2 updated - bikes > two-wheelers - Warning in the (pie) chart when there is an inaccurate due to an incomplete view - Added 20mph and 40mph options speed limits - Workshop dates can be temporary - Timezone bugfix on homepage - New register layout - Small bugfixes Changelog: 11.05.22 - New typical export with custom periods for the network manager Changelog: 22.03.22 - New logo & style - Updated website design - Updated admin dashboard design - "Membership" section is now "Candidates". Fields regarding volunteers, education, nationality are removed. - New concept "trajectories". Each network contains at least one trajectory. A citizen who registers will, without explicitly indicating it, belong to a particular trajectory. - Overal UX improvements in network dashboard - Mailing functionality is a bit reworked and now also contain templates. Mail is seperate section now in the network dashboard - Preparations for new Telraam sensor (oh?) - Ditched Google Analytics and using Plausible instead - Mailcoach Laravel package replacing Mailchimp - Redis queue manager with Laravel Horizon Changelog: 15.11.21 - Laravel 5 to 8 upgrade - New professionals page - Camera instances do contain the setup steps now instead of the user - Bugfixes Changelog: 06.10.21 - Street profiles and ranking - Edit your account info or remove yourself as a user or - Instructions available as extra page - Some more error validations, error exceptions in jobs - Camera instances on location page have a better design - Implemented first_data_package - When Telraam is down for some days, we redirect to latest dates w/ warning - Homepage: use of new snapshot api - Bugfixes Changelog: 21.06.21 - Waiting list - Updates self measure - Small fixes Changelog: 05.06.21 - Street profiles - bugfixes Changelog: 17.05.21 - Telraam talks - Membership alternative address positions - Language switch - Bugfix netwerk compare: back to network dropdown selection - Zendesk: overview tickets per netwerk Changelog: 5.05.21 - User exports now limited to one year to avoid timeout on the new traffic /endpoint - Camera can be relocated to correct a wrong Telraam position - DB parameter - Small updates on netwerk and membership backend Changelog: 27.04.21 - New visualisation: Day profile - V85 on all segments! - Moved from the old /report endpoint to the traffic /endpoint for all requests - Network dashboard: new visualisations - Network dashboard: export new summary data Changelog: 17.03.21 - Admin users can now directly upload an image - Membership and network admin have small fixes and updates Changelog: 06.03.21 - User can export his raw data, not only the latest three months - Network owners have the possibility to export monthly reports and raw data Changelog: 03.03.21 - Openings page and setup flow updated - No more weather - Start of segment clusters. Changelog: 17.02.21 - The setup page for a user has some extra warning through modals - Membership: next to the "volunteer" filter, there is "volunteer only" now Changelog: 12.02.21 - User Dashboard updates - Network Dashboard updates Changelog: 10.02.21 - User Dashboard updates - Bugfixes - Camera Instance improvements - Tokens + Manual counting beta - Health check db Changelog: 21.01.21 - Fixed direction issue for large part of the users due to an old js bug Changelog: 18.01.21 - Outboarding page - Network based monthly reports in excel - part 1 Changelog: 7.01.21 - AB vs BA - Refactoring of location selection - Added A > B to selection map - Direction bugfix in excel, excel showed wrong directions (the quest continues) Changelog: 5.01.21 - Quiet fireworks - Camera instances layout updates Changelog: 15.12.20 - Never too late to start a changelog - Camera instances, a big under the hood update and refactoring - Camera check now on instance and not on segment - Small dashboard cleanup - Bugfix direction